
10/10/1995 Devesh P Tripathi

Project Director


Kabir Math Varanasi

This is the place where Sadguru Kabir Saheb used to live. Kabir Saheb was the great Master who taught Humanity as a religion. He said people should not fight for the name of God. He is one but has many names. Ram or Rahim both are His names. God will never be pleased with them who fight in the name of religion. Fighting for temple or Mosque never pleases God. He is dwelling in every Heart. Temple of Mosque are built by people usung stone and mud but human being is real temple built by God Himself. So we shouuld serve humanity giveup terreroism. We should devolop Love, Kindness, humbleness. and truuuthfulness in our life. Kabir Saheb Travelled many places.